• 电影魔由心生

    出演:乔治·肯尼迪 安德鲁 史蒂文斯 Starr Andreeff Terri Treas John Lafayette 汤米·欣克利 Yvonne Saa Joseph Hardin Al Guarino Jack Valan Joal Corso Butch Stevens 

    导演:Thierry Notz 


  • 电影残酷

    出演:Katrina Grey 仁科贵 亚矢乃 Naho Nakashima Butch Nanako Ohata 


    情节:  Constantly on the hunt and suffering from hallucinations that drive his violent nature, an unnamed man is capturing women and savagely beating them to death. Meanwhile, a woman is luring men into a violent end, by way of her knife. Driven by the same force to make the opposite sex suffer, the killers’ fates intertwine. The two must face off in a battle to the death, in which they are forced to reveal the horrible truth behind their addiction to murder.  “Brutal” takes an interesting approach to its visuals, drawing heavy influence from Western “Grindhouse” films, using a filter to make the footage appear grainy, damaged, and with light and color fluctuations. Unfortunately, the visual styling ends up feeling misguided, as other than applying the filter it does not imitate any other aspects of the “Grindhouse” genre. Despite trying to dirty up the film, it is apparent it was shot on digital. The cinematography is also a step above most “Grindhouse” productions, with Takashi Hirose proving he has talent behind the camera. Exterior shots to those taking place in small spaces are all competently framed, lit, and transition well. The decision to add an effect on top of the work hurts the film’s imagery and even gives a sense of desperation to try to capture a certain type of nostalgia with the audience, instead of relying on its own strengths. It is unfortunate when one creative choice can hurt a production so much.  The story of “Brutal” is simple but effective, it does attempt some sort of social commentary about the violent nature of men and women, but it does not offer enough depth into the subject to justify the amount of violence on display. The film does end on a strong note with an interesting twist, with a reveal that is bound to gross some out, while giving others a chuckle. In spite of its simple nature, those who enjoy films that make them somewhat uncomfortable and enjoy the challenge of getting through some ultra-violence, “Brutal” poses a fun and entertaining challenge in that regard.

  • 已完结


    出演:凯伦·福原 丹·史蒂文斯 斯特林·K·布朗 迪·布拉雷·贝克尔 德翁·科尔 丽亚·德拉利亚 杰克·格林 格蕾·德丽斯勒 加里格莱斯 伊恩·哈丁 约翰·霍吉曼 琼·杰特 马特·洛 斯科特·波特 贝琪·索达罗 柯伊·斯图尔特 麦克-李昂·伍德利 Rhea Butcher Taylor Louderman Faith Graham 


    情节:  Netflix原创动画剧集《奇波和神奇动物的时代》(Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts,暂译)发布先导预告!该剧配音卡司包括凯伦·福原、德翁·科尔等,客串配音卡司包括斯特林·K·布朗、丹·史蒂文斯、丽亚·德拉利亚、琼·杰特、约翰·霍吉曼、GZA等。故事讲述一生都活在地下洞穴的小女孩奇波被带到了世界末日的地球表面,开启了冒险之旅。她加入了一群幸存者的团队,踏上了仙境旅程,在那里,想要杀死他们的生物都非常可爱。该剧将于明年1月14日开播。

  • 6.0


    出演:Jim Adams Ernie Alexander 肯尼·亚历山大 Jay Allen Butch Baer Chris Baer Michael Baer Rick Baer Tim Baer Dave Barr Alonzo Bodden 

    导演:Bryan H. Carroll 

    情节:  讲了美国的摩托车文化。

  • 7.0


    出演:Adam Butcher Shane Kippel Mateo Morales Slim Twig 

    导演:Kim Chapiron 

    情节:  三名小打小闹的少年犯安格尔、戴维斯和布奇被关进一所惩教中心,负责他们的是一名外强中干的管理员,很快三名少年就要在成为受害者还是施暴者之间做出抉择。

  • 7.0


    出演:Alyson Walker 托尼·吉罗克斯 Meelah Adams Ian Butcher Tyler A.H. Smith Shaun Morse 马修·格雷厄姆 Stephanie Gooden 

    导演:Erdal Ceylan 

    情节:  朱莉娅,德国网红,去美国拜访表姐汉娜,她一到就病倒了,不寻常的事情接踵而至……而只有自.拍,才能看到若有若无的鬼影……

  • 3.0


    出演:Adam Butcher Shane Kippel Mateo Morales Slim Twig 

    导演:Kim Chapiron 

    情节:  三名小打小闹的少年犯安格尔、戴维斯和布奇被关进一所惩教中心,负责他们的是一名外强中干的管理员,很快三名少年就要在成为受害者还是施暴者之间做出抉择。

  • 9.0


    出演:马修·麦克费登 麦克·辛 茜安·克利福德 海伦·麦克洛瑞 马克·博纳尔 艾斯林·贝亚 艾略特·利维 瑞斯特德·库珀 特里斯坦·格拉韦尔 迈克尔·吉普森 丹尼尔·厄根 碧悠·加德斯顿 莎拉·伍德沃德 James Aroussi Seraphina Beh Matt Butcher Martin Alexander Jerry Killick Morgan Archer Pierre Bergman 


    情节:  ITV及AMC将合拍3集剧《问答 Quiz》,这部剧讲述了现实人物Charles Ingram的故事,这个前陆军少校在2001年时参加英国版《百万富翁 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?》时,靠着作弊赢得100万欧元大奖。后来剧组发现他与妻子Di ana及同谋Tecwen Whittock的作弊行为,三人因此被捕及得面对庭审。  Matthew Macfadyen饰演Charles Ingram﹑Michael Sheen饰演节目主持Chris Tarrant﹑Sian Clifford饰演Diana Ingram﹑Mark Bonnar饰演节目制片公司Celador Television的主席Paul Smith﹑Helen McCrory饰演Sonia Woodley QC﹑Michael Jibson饰演Tecwen Whittock﹑Aisling Bea饰演ITV娱乐部专员。

  • 热播影视



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