• 电影雷利博

    出演:Sean De Guzman 克里斯汀·伯马斯 Jela Cuenca Jeric Raval Lara Morena Jeffrey Hidalgo Carlene Aguilar Juliana Parizcova Segovia Francis Mata Giovanni Baldisseri Juan Carlo Tarobal Abraham Gonzales Punky Taguines Angel Raymundo Joenel Canaria 

    导演:Crisanto Aquino 

    情节:  一名保安被他称为 F 女士的性感房客迷住了。他的性幻想将他带到了一个极端,这将永远改变他和他妻子的生活。

  • 电视剧行尸走肉:外面的世界第二季

    出演:尼古拉斯·坎图 安内特·莫翰德鲁 阿历萨·芒索 朱莉娅·奥蒙德 阿丽亚•罗亚尔 尼可·托托雷拉 马克西米利安·奥辛斯基 泰德·萨瑟兰 Jelani Alladin Hal Cumpston 

    导演:Loren S. Yaconelli 

    情节:  该剧故事继续围绕在丧尸横行的世界中的幸存者们展开,聚焦丧尸末世后成长起来的第一代。

  • 9.0


    出演:拉多万·卢卡夫斯基 古斯塔夫·瓦拉赫 艾米丽娅·瓦萨约娃 威廉·波洛尼 Jela Buckova Jozef Cierny Pavel Chrobak 米库拉斯·洛迪津斯凯 Ivan Macho Ján Mildner Andrej Mojzis Jan Pelech 卢多维特·赖特尔 斯特凡·克维季克 Milan Mach 


    情节:  与Stefan Uher和Elo Havatta一样,Eduard Grecner也是60年代斯洛伐克新浪潮电影的缔造者之一。他的三部影片《一周七天》(1964)《尼绒月亮》(1965)和这部《徳拉克的回归》都是斯洛伐克新浪潮电影的代表作。这部叙事方法独特带有明显意识流风格的黑白影片甚至间接影响到了后来法国导演格里耶在捷克拍摄的两部影片《说谎的人》和《Eden and After》。  A special place in the development of feature films is reserved for Eduard Grecner, the creator of just one good film, Dragon Returns (Drak sa vracia, 1967), titled after the nickname of the lead character. After his initial work with Uher, Grecner made his mark as a proponent of the so-called "intellectual" film, the antithesis of the sociologically, or rather, socially critical film. Grecner's great role model was Alan Resnais, a young French filmmaker who sought to introduce Slovakia to the idea of film as a labyrinth in which meanings are created not by stories, but by complex configurations of dialogue, shots, and various layers of time, thus differentiating film from both literature and theater. In Dragon Returns―the story of a solitary hero who is needed by villagers living far in the mountains, but who is rejected by them at the same time because of his detachment―Grecner brought the tradition of lyricized prose to life through a whole series of formal aesthetic techniques. Alain Robbe-Grillet immediately developed this idea in the film shot in Bratislava The Man Who Lies (Slovak: Muz, ktory luze; French title: L'homme qui ment; 1968), and perfected it in Eden and After (Eden a potom, 1970).

  • 3.0


    出演:米歇尔·费尔利 罗姗妮·麦琪 汤姆·奥斯汀 大卫·瑞托 罗希·戴 丹尼·韦伯 Andy Beckwith Predrag Bjelac Tom Rhys Harries Twinnie Lee Moore David Caves Zorana Becic Ana Sakic 易娃娜尼科利奇 Dragana Atlija 


    情节:  年轻的休伯特在城堡之中集结的一小只队伍,为报杀害其领袖之子之仇而卧薪藏胆.而领袖之子就是那位名叫盖的雇佣兵,他的内心灵魂被他在罗切斯特城堡之战犯下的杀戮内疚而淹没,与此同时埋没他灵魂的还有他对凯特迅速萌芽的感觉,而其堂兄是一位久经沙场的士兵,不为上帝和国家而战,为的却是金钱和杀戮的欲望...

  • 热播影视



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