• 电影女拳霸

    出演:杰佳·亚宁 阿部宽 Pongpat Wachirabunjong Taphon Phopwandee Ammara Siripong 


    情节:  将司(阿部宽 饰)是一个来自日本的黑社会头目,在一次与泰国黑帮的交易冲突中,对方容貌妖艳、身手矫捷的女子成员阿欣(Ammara Siripong 饰)引起了他的注意。在此之后,两人开始交往,然而日本和泰国的帮派冲突却逐渐升级。最终,阿欣为了救心上人而背叛了自己的老大。将司迫于无奈逃回日本,阿欣则留在泰国,独自生下女儿阿珊。阿珊从小患有自闭症,但她却有着非凡的能力,她能迅速记下并掌握复杂的格斗动作。数年过后,成年的阿珊(杰佳·亚宁 JeeJa Yanin 饰)俨然成长为一个出色的格斗高手。  另一方面,阿欣当年被老大刺伤,如今又患上癌症,生活无法自理。倔强的阿珊决定向泰国帮讨还属于母亲的钱,而她注定要面对无数危险……

  • 电影虎之剑

    出演:Atsadawut Luengsuntorn Phimonrat Phisarayabud Phongphat Wachirabanjong 

    导演:Theeratorn Siriphunvaraporn 

    情节:  当警察们面对一宗发展迅速的案件, 他们让一个年轻,独立而具备神秘力量的警察约法纳来负责此案。他与诱人的邓娜合作来搜捕残酷和致命的\' 五枚子弹帮\' 。他们老大是可怕的马萨, 他和约法纳一样,也是魔法高手。马萨只会被被猛虎魔剑击败, 那是一把充满自然力量, 和美善力量的上古魔法剑。在匪盗捣乱城市之前,约法纳必须找到猛虎魔剑, 把马萨绳之以法。最后他们两个决一死战,只有一个能生存下去

  • 3.0


    出演:Harith Haziq Remy Ishak June Lojong Namron Nadiya Nissa 

    导演:Tunku Mona Riza 

    情节:  Young boy with autism causes of hardships for his old parents, as his father isn`t accepting the fact that he is different from the rest while his mother is trying her best to fit his needs. His mother later finds the right people to help her cute son live his life for good.

  • 7.0


    出演:珂洛丽·斯普尔 Jelle de Jong 

    导演:Martijn Heijne 

    情节:  Six friends go to party for a week during the "Sneekweek". But they are haunted by a secret from their past.

  • 5.0


    出演:Choi Eun-Hee  Byeon Ki-Jong  Yoo Min  Kim Seon-Young  Seok Keum-Seong  Nam Seung-Min 


    情节:  Synopsis  Do-seong (Yoo Min) is a child monk who lives at a small mountain temple with the head monk (Byeon Ki-jong), learning the teachings of Buddha. He becomes attached to a young widow (Choi Eun-hee) who comes to pray at the temple, and the childless widow entreats the head monk to let her raise Do-seong as her own son. Conflict ensues when Do-seong's real mother (Kim Seon-young) appears, but she leaves the temple for the sake of her son's future. On the day the widow is to take the child down from the mountain, the head monk discovers that Do-seong has killed a bird by ensnaringit in a trap and decides not to let the boy go into the secular world. When Do-seong finds out that his real mother has been to the temple, he sets out to find her.  Notes  "A film that has garnered recognition for its cinematography and direction by eliminating sentimentality and unaffectedly capturing the quiet life of a mountain temple. A Hometown in Heart demonstrates the camera technique and directorial skill of movies that appeared after the liberation of Korea."  A Hometown in Heart, adapted from playwright Ham Se-deok's A Little Monk (Dong-seung), was hailed upon its release as "a masterpiece that marked a new pinnacle in Korean moviemaking after the liberation." Eschewing new-school sentimentality to quietly express a boy's longing for maternal love, the film unfolds the everyday lives of three generationsthe head monk, a young monk, and a little child monkagainst the backdrop of a quiet temple in the mountains. The long shots utilized by director of cinematography Han Hyung-mo to capture the beautiful scenery of the mountain temple from a distance received great critical acclaim at the time. Also, each of the film's characters is convincingly portrayed through the skillful direction of Yoon Yong-kyu. In particular, the scene which expresses Do-seong's desperate yearning for a mother's love and his birth mother's past visit to the temple by combining them into a dream sequence reveals deep consideration for articulating story and emotion via a compressed visual grammar without tending toward sentimentalism. The movie's final scene, in which Do-seong awakens from his dream and sets off down the path in search of his mother, is both touching and beautiful. The film also features Choi Eun-hee, in the part of the young widow who warmly embraces Do-seong with her love, in one of her first roles.  Afterword:  - Lee Kang-su, writing under the pseudonym of Kwak Il-byeong, first adapted playwright Ham Se-deok's A Little Monk (Dong-seung) into a screenplay, which was then shot for the silver screen with additional embellishments by the director.

  • 4.0


    出演:KIM Jua YOON Seoyoung LIM Jongmin SON Dahyeon 

    导演:李在恩 林继顺 

    情节:  九十後女導演李在恩、林智善共同執導,一個喜歡李滄東,另一個卻喜歡園子温。差天共地的電影口味,竟碰撞出如《寒假》般的暑假女生版,跳脫慵懶,活潑厭世,清新搞笑,非常亮眼。三個小鎮高中詩友,畢業後各奔前程,一個去了美國,一個去了首爾,各自追尋詩以外的桃源,留下一個在家鄉,每星期仍堅持視像詩聚,只可惜鏡頭的對面,久未見朋友露面。由十九踏入二十,短短一年卻是人生的分岔口。電影點出階級和城市無形的落差,人與人之間微妙的相遇和相處,總是遊走在隱藏與坦白之間,友情的分岔路上又會是一張怎樣的成績「婊」?

  • 已完结

    电视剧一吻定情 泰国版

    出演:苏查·玛娜英 吴翊歌 协塔朋·平朋 佩姆·巴比尔 Pimpatchara Vajrasevee Suthada Jongjaiphar 


    情节:  迷迷糊糊的Taliw是个普通的高中女生,成绩吊车尾,运动吊车尾,不过她身边有群很可爱很义气的朋友。在学校她因为拯救流浪猫结识了转学过来的高冷俊美男神,据说IQ高达200,无论什么时候成绩都是第一的Tenten。而意外的事情发生了,在班主任办公室,Tenten点名要转到Taliw所在的吊车尾班级。Tenten的转来在全校掀起一场腥风血雨,吊车尾班级也因此雀跃欢腾。Taliw做自我介绍时Tenten发现她就是小时候对自己说出“再也不要跟你玩了”的童年玩伴,顿时脸色一变,对Taliw不再搭理。Taliw没有因此灰心,坚持不懈地开启了追男神的旅程:开始用心看自己从来不喜欢的书本,想要让自己变成一个很聪明的人;在生活中照顾影响着TenTen,让TenTen生活充满了快乐;不知不觉的影响着TenTen,使他变成一个可以和朋友沟通的正常人。在点滴中让人没办法不爱上这个傻乎乎又一往直前的好姑娘。而终于,在经历过两人甜蜜粉红又浪漫的教科书式虐狗互动后,被甜得死去活来的观众们发现,高冷男神的心其实早已经被呆萌的Taliw俘获。

  • 6.0


    出演:禹志贤 申达琪 姜吉宇 Kyungjin Min Woon Jong Jeon 


    情节:  A young homeless man happens to draw a series of illustrations over dusty surfaces, gradually recovering from the pains of his past.

  • 2.0


    出演:崔胜允 伊桑·黄 Dohyun Noel Hwang 沈明辅 亨特·狄龙 Choi Jong-ryul Jerina Son 崔钟律 李龙女 Vanessa Przada Tristan Ranger 


    情节:  90年代初期,素英离开韩国,独自带着儿子东贤生活在加拿大郊区。素英决心为儿子提供更好的生活,于是她努力克服种族问题和文化差异。随着年龄的增长,东贤对母亲在韩国的过往越来越好奇,尤其自己的父亲——母亲不愿意提起的那个男人。与之相反,素英则全心建设她的新生活:她开始与一位韩裔意大利人发展关系,这位善良的先生也希望成为东贤的继父。但这一行为却让她和东贤之间的关系更加紧张。一天,突如其来的噩耗让母子俩重回韩国。这次旅程使他们重新感受到了与故土的联系。

  • 已完结


    出演:苏菲·王尔德 Luca Slade Aurélien Pallot 妮娅姆·麦柯马克 Sam Reuben George Greenland Marina McBain Dee Ahluwalia Elena Bielova Scott Burchell 琼·伊约拉 Aldous Ciokajlo Squire David Anthony 斯蒂芬·弗雷 劳伦·阿朱福 Amelia O'Loughlin Smilla Sean Coleman Agbor-ya Ojong Fio Brooks 

    导演:Dionne Edwards Charlie Manton 艾丽莎·麦克克莱兰 劳拉·司登利 

    情节:  16岁的米娅从饮食失调症中恢复过来回到家,重返高中生的混乱世界,却发现朋友们已经在没有她的情况下走进了青少年生活。伴随着不断变化的遗愿清单,三个最好的朋友和一段主要的新恋情,米娅一头扎进了约会、派对和初吻的世界,很快发现并非生活中的一切都能按照计划进行。

  • 6.0

    电影壬辰倭乱 1592

    出演:崔秀钟 Su-jong Choi 金应洙 


    情节:  该剧讲述壬辰倭乱,明朝军队与朝鲜军队联手击退日本侵略的故事。

  • 已完结


    出演:Pattaravadee Boonmeesup 娜露潘格慕·柴辛 查雅妮·臣姗卡维 纳特·奇查理 布·米帕迪 素皮查·松卡金达 Sutthirak Subvijitra 莎顾恩塔娜·缇安派洛 帕尼莎拉·里库苏拉康 普雷瓦·苏坦蓬 纳塔西特·科蒂马努瓦尼 Namthip 'Bee' Jongrachatawiboon 切尔普朗·阿瑞库尔 茶拉达·瑛拉朋 Point Cholawit Meetongcom 沃拉里·范伽罗马 Yarinda Bunnag Parada Titawasira  



  • 热播影视



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