• 电影情场现形记

    出演:鲁道夫·克里斯提 杜邦小姐 梅·布希 莫德·乔治 埃里克·冯·施特罗海姆 戴尔·富勒 塞萨雷·格拉维纳 马尔维娜·波罗 奈杰尔·德·布鲁里亚 罗伯特·艾德森 哈里森·福德 瓦莱丽·杰曼普莱兹 玛丽·菲尔宾 


    情节:  德国移民的名导演埃里克.冯.施特罗海姆花费了一百三十万美元和十一个月的时间摄制而成的超级文艺片,原拷贝长达五小时,公开上映时浓缩成三小时半。由于耗资惊人,好莱坞大亨本来对埃里克颇有微词,后因本片获得意外的卖座成功而作罢。故事以1919年的蒙地卡罗为背景。埃里克扮演一个欺骗美国外交官女儿的白俄亲王,靠着剥削他的情妇----一个貌丑的女仆为生。由于性虐待狂的驱使,他强奸了一个不幸的白痴女子。最后,他被人杀死,他的尸首很有象征意义地被扔在臭水沟里。埃里克对自然主义情有独钟,希望把一切情史都在画面中表现出来。他特地在加州海边搭建起蒙地卡罗的赌场和雄伟宫殿的布景,并且在采光上有十分大胆的处理方式。影像上也富于感官刺激的煽情暴力场面,甚至劳烦电检单位剪掉了其中的一些镜头。在片中,埃里克用一种辛酸的悲观主义眼光来观察人类,对上层社会的腐朽和封建作出激烈的抨击,流露出一种愤而感伤的怜悯色彩。而对低下层的人物和被骗上当的女子,则寄予同情的关注,表现出独特的“埃里克式人道主义精神"。

  • 电影婚礼进行曲

    出演:埃里克·冯·施特罗海姆 菲伊·雷 扎苏·皮茨 


    情节:  The setting is Vienna in 1914 before the outbreak of war. The aristocratic and somewhat jaded Prince Nicki, pursued by all the ladies, begins a flirtation with Mitzi, a crippled harpist who works in a suburban wine-garden, and who is in turn idolized by Schani, an uncouth and violently jealous butcher. Their first encounter significantly takes place in front of St. Stephen's Cathedral on Corpus Christi day, with Nicki among the emperor's cavalry regiment. Later, in the refracted light of falling apple blossoms in the wine-garden--scenes of a distilled, ethereal beauty--Nicki gradually wins her faith and love. Meanwhile, amidst the sumptuous and corrupt milieu of the family palace, Nicki is drawn into complicity against his will, as his unscrupulous mother informs him he must marry Cecelia, the daughter of a wealthy commoner, in order to revive the family fortune. Mitzi has a vision of The Iron Man (a symbol of the declining power and position of the Hapsburg dynasty) and falls before the crucifix in fear; but her love remains steadfast, and she protests her faith though abused by her mother and Schani. Infuriated by her rejection, Schani threatens to kill Nicki on his wedding day unless Mitzi agrees to marry him. Following the processional splendor of the cathedral wedding, Schani appears to carry out his threat, but Mitzi arrives in time to stop him; and through the downpouring rain Nicki sadly gazes on his true love in the crowd as he drives away with his bride.

  • 4.0


    出演:扎苏·皮茨 吉布森·格沃兰德 让·赫肖尔特 戴尔·富勒 坦普·皮戈特 切斯特·康克林 Sylvia Ashton Joan Standing 


    情节:  埃里克.冯.施特罗海姆导演的此片,在1952年比利时蒙达尔国际电影节评选的电影诞生以来的12部“最佳影片中”名列第七;在1952、1962年英国《画与音响》评选的10部“最佳影片”中,名列第七和第四位;在1958年比利时布鲁塞尔世界博览会评选电影“最佳电影”中,该片名列第六;在1978年《标题》杂志刊登的电影诞生以来的100部“最佳影片”中,名列第18位。故事主要描写麦克.蒂格和马库斯.斯科勒这对好友因五千美元彩券而变得凶残成性,贪婪吝啬,最后引出一系列的悲剧的过程

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