• 电影失落的孩子:亚马逊空难奇迹


    导演:Jorge Duran Lali Houghton 奥兰多·冯·爱因西德尔 

    情节:  在一架小型飞机坠毁后,四名土著儿童在哥伦比亚亚马逊丛林中失联、孤立无援。他们依靠祖先的智慧求生,而一场史无前例的救援任务也随之展开。  这部纪录片由奥斯卡奖得主奥兰多·冯·爱因西德尔执导,哥伦比亚导演豪尔赫·杜兰和英国裔秘鲁导演拉利·霍顿参与制作,从参与这场史诗级救援行动的人员 — 哥伦比亚军队、土著志愿救援人员和儿童的家人 — 的视角讲述了这个令人难以置信的故事。

  • 电影青春礼赞

    出演:金南熙 万荷谨 

    导演:Choi Jong-woon 

    情节:  在动物的世界里,狮子捕获驯鹿属于正常的生物链,弱肉强食是生存的本能。而在人的世界里,这样的本能是否可以存在?青春,一个值得人们称赞的时光,在这里人们的本性会是什么样的呢?

  • 7.0


    出演:金桢勋 Cha Ji-heon Myeong Kye-nam 

    导演:Ha Won-joon 

    情节:  某个村庄发生了骇人听闻的杀人事件,很多人都想知道真相。一位记者也是偶然进入小村庄,发现了关于一位女子的秘密后想了解整个事件的过程。他经常偷窥这个村庄的一举一动,看到神秘女子时常被虐打,因此他开始调查这个村子,可是真相真的会浮出水面吗?记者会遭到什么不测吗?

  • 9.0


    出演:Kim Hee-won-IV (김희원) Yeo I-rye (여이례) Lee Joon-gyoo (이준규) Ko Chan-woo (고찬우) 

    导演:Jo Kyeong-hoon-I 

    情节:  "I want to be yours tonight..."  Three men from a social club get together for intimate reasons, then a cute and sexy girl happens to fall in front of them!  'A sexy and rich' guy who has to go to the military giving up his school credits, 'a loser' who just got discharged dreaming of heated love and 'a goose father' who hasn't had sex in forever, join a paragliding club for other reasons.  A hot and sexy girl appears in front of them and the three hyenas convince her to go to an overnight paragliding trip with them. Who will be the winner? This girl playing hard to get causes the three to shake and they start doing anything they need to get her to spend a night with them...

  • 1.0


    出演:위지웅 하빈 无정향 

    导演:Park-Joo-yeong (박주영) 

    情节:  一个男人在妻子去世后几年照顾他的年轻的姐妹们。这两个姐妹长大了,爱上了他们的姐夫。最小的妹妹暴露了自己在他面前引诱他反正可能。第一个妹妹更女性化,但她也不能不觉得吸引她的姐夫,并考虑与他发生性关系…  一开始,男人笑了起来,但很快,他也觉得吸引他们,并想与他们发生性关系。他会在第一个和第二个妹妹之间选择谁…

  • HD中字


    出演:勒内·奥贝尔若努瓦 杰夫·贝内特 

    导演:Joe Sichta 

    情节:  讲述了由于史酷比和薜奇失去了联络,大伙的巴黎假期竟意外变成了一场绕世界半周的跳伞历程。他们原本准备在巴黎好好享受一番,然而却在喜马拉雅山经历了噩梦般的一幕:面对传说中可恶的雪山怪物!大伙拼命逃离古老的修道院、迅速穿过一个个地下山洞、甚至与雪崩赛跑。终于,我们的英雄们赶在那些攀爬珠穆朗玛峰的神秘人物之前,逃离了被破坏的古老奇迹引发的大雪崩……

  • HD中字


    出演:George O'Hanlon Mel Blanc Penny Singleton 

    导演:Joseph Barbera William Hanna 

    情节:  The Jetsons have made their film debut in a film about family, friends, and all that stuff. George's tightwad boss, Mr. Spacely, is determined to get his remote factor on his ore asteroid miles away to make 1,000,000 sprocketts, but all the vice-presidents sent to run it have disappeared for some reason, so Mr. Spacely must find someone else to run it: it would have to be someone mighty brave, and mighty stupid. So who does he pick? George Jetson. So George packs up his family: Jane, his sensible and loving wife; Judy- his rebellious teenage daughter who's gotten a new boyfriend: a super galactical rock star; Elroy- basketball champ who's losing faith in his father; and Rosie, his sassy maid. So while Judy meets another boy and enjoys a huge shopping mall, George sets off to work with his new friend, a robot foreman named Rudy 2. The factory is soon sabotaged on opening day, so George intends to investigate and disappears. So it's up to Elroy and his new friends to rescue George. Along for the ride are Judy and Jane. A wild futuristic romp on a screen bigger than your TV

  • 9.0


    出演:Lola Gave Axel Holst Andreas Pape Matthan Harris Annika Strauss Milton Welsh Kristina Kostiv Désirée Giorgetti Rüdiger Kuhlbrodt Lucy Lane 

    导演:Jörg Buttgereit Michal Kosakowski Andreas Marschall 

    情节:  本片由三个短篇故事组成:年轻女孩和迷你猪住在一栋肮葬公寓裡,她真的只有一个人吗?又聋又哑的夫妇被一群小混混攻击,不过他们受到一只神秘护身符的保护;一个男子在性爱夜店裡迷失,有人告诉他只要服下由「风茄」的根製成的药,就能体验无上的性爱,却没人告诉他极致的性爱也将带来最恐怖的副作用…

  • 8.0


    出演:惠京晋 蛾智慧 

    导演:Sin Jong-Geol 

    情节:  本片讲述了一个有心理疾病的女孩,在一位朋友的帮助下心理愈合的故事。

  • 1.0


    出演:Isadora Edison ...  Laura Andrea Davis ...  Jennine Chelsea Mundae ...  Winnifred A.J. Khan ...  Louise 

    导演:Joseph W. Sarno 

    情节:  Isadora Edison is coming home to suburbia. Her old boyfriend Nelson is banging every girl he can get his hands on. Now he’s shacking up with Isadora’s Aunt Cynthia, (Tina Tyler). This makes Nelson’s sister Judith rage with jealousy as she wants his lips all for herself. Isadora also wants a piece of the Nelson action and drags him into bed as soon as she lays eyes on him. This all leads to a domino effect through town as the whole city hops in the sack with each other. Whether the sex partners are related to each other is not a concern. It’s actually a turn-on for them if they are.

  • 4.0


    出演:Darian Caine Molly Heartbreaker Jackie Stevens 

    导演:John Bacchus 

    情节:  巴楚姆城正被疯狂的Jerker困擾, 他打算启动啟動一项计划来窃取镇上所有的色情事业。Jerker在类似阳物的直升机里囤积色情,引诱并且等待乡亲父老为性焦虑买单。

  • 1.0


    出演:周文健 郁方 邹兆龙 关宝慧 海俊杰 郭金 刘锡贤 

    导演:朱继生 Joe Chu 

    情节:《亲蜜情人之无限诱惑》是由朱继生、Joe Chu执导,周文健、郁方、邹兆龙等人主演的一部香港爱情片,上映于1999年6月5日。该片讲述的是有双重性格的女主人公因失控的三角关系走上自杀之路的故事。

  • 7.0


    出演:Laura Gemser Ely Galleani Gabriele Tinti Venantino Venantini Pierre Marfurt Gota Gobert 

    导演:Joe D'Amato 

    情节:  Reporter Emanuelle (Laura Gemser) is doing a story on the white slave trade and tracks everything to a gangster living in Africa. Not happy stopping there, Emanuelle comes back to America and begins working undercover. This is probably the best of the D'Amato/Gemser Emanuelle movies but that's not saying too much. Unlike the other films in the series this one here at least manages to be entertaining without having to have a woman jerk off a horse as was seen in Emanuelle in America. This film here has a pretty interesting story and it moves along without too many boring spots. Needless to say there's a lot of sex scenes with Gemser taking on various men and women and these here are without a doubt the best scenes. D'Amato makes most of these very erotic, which is another thing missing from others in the series. I wouldn't say Gemser gives a good performance but she is comfortable in the role and you can't complain about seeing her naked throughout the film. The scenes in Africa are well shot and it's nice seeing some of the wildlife. Some of the American scenes were lifted from Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals but this just adds to some of the cheap fun. Original title: Via della prostituzione, La.

  • 2.0


    出演:费奥纳·肖 爱德华·霍尔克罗夫特 杰克·劳登 克洛伊·皮里 安东·莱瑟 卡伦·索尼娅·塞沃尔 塔马拉·劳伦斯 Natalia Kostrzewa Toyah Frantzen Nyree Yergainharsian 

    导演:Joe Marcantonio 

    情节:  故事讲述男友意外去世,精神脆弱的女友怀着孕来到了男友的家庭中,男友的家人对她的每个举动都时时关注。由于精神幻觉的困扰,她对男友家人的意图产生了怀疑。

  • 10.0


    出演:Ralph Herforth Anne Cathrin Buhtz 克里斯蒂安·卡赫曼 

    导演:Jörg Lühdorff 

    情节:  法兰克福市遭到热浪袭击,市内工人纷纷罢工,堆积如山的垃圾引起鼠患问题,老鼠群在市内无孔不入,更可怕的是它们身上带有一种不知名的可致命病毒。卡田医生急忙研制一种免疫疫苗以拯救市民。但灾难控制员法兰明白到传统的灭鼠方法并不可行,唯一解救方法只有独闯鼠穴…

  • 6.0


    出演:Rolonda Watts 凡妮莎·李·艾维甘 艾什莉·斯科特 Ashley Scott Mimi Cozzens 

    导演:John Murlowski  约翰·莫洛斯基 

    情节:  圣诞节前夕,一个金发美女空降邮局,她的工作是为圣诞老人回信,实现人们的圣诞愿望。有一个小女孩在信中说,希望帮她孤独的叔叔找一个女朋友,这位孤独的叔叔正是邮局的信件分拣员,由于工作接触,与神秘的圣诞女孩情投意合,小女孩也非常喜欢这位金发美女。可是平安夜却发生了误会,有情人能不能终成眷属呢?

  • 6.0


    出演:尚格·云顿 杜夫·龙格尔 安德烈·阿罗维斯基 克里·约翰逊 扎哈利·巴哈罗夫 阿基·阿维尼 凯瑞·莎勒 John Laskowski 克里斯·云顿 雪莉瓦洛德 约翰·芬 丹柯·约尔丹诺夫 史蒂芬·常 迪米特尔·多切诺夫 Mike Pyle Garry Cooper Emily Joyce 

    导演:John Hyams 

    情节:  20世纪60年代,美国的势力向亚洲渗透,为此政府实行的一项绝密计划——战士再造计划,通过药物注射等手段将士兵大造成冷血无情、实力强悍的超级战士。随着技术不断改进,在罗伯特·柯林博士的主持下又开启了白塔计划,成功打造出更为完美的第二代超级战士。然而一次意外后12名二代战士逃亡,而涉嫌叛国的柯林博士也被驱逐东欧。此后不久,再造战士占领切尔诺贝利,美国军方决定派出4名尚存的一代战士前去击垮那群危险怪物,但是他们全部遭到无情屠戮。  走投无路之际,军方只能派出第五名一代战士卢克·戴沃洛克斯(尚格·云顿 Jean-Claude Van Damme 饰)出马,对抗强大的对手安德鲁·斯科特(杜夫·龙格尔 Dolph Lundgren 饰)……

  • 5.0


    出演:Meredith Baxter Lindsey McKeon Sarah Lieving Paton Ashbrook 

    导演:John Willis III 

    情节:  When the President learns that domestic terrorists have skyjacked the passenger jet her brother is flying...

  • 3.0


    出演:多米尼克·斯万 Jake Busey 

    导演:Joseph J. Lawson 

    情节:  Researchers in Antarctica are abducted by a team of masked storm troopers. They are dragged deep underground to a hidden continent in the ce nter of the earth. Here Nazi survivors, their bodies a horrifying patchwork of decaying and regenerated flesh, are planning for the revival of the Third Reich.  南极的研究人员被一群戴面具的风暴兵所绑架。他们被带到带到地心的一个隐藏的大陆上。在这里,纳粹余孽,他们的身体是由正在腐朽的和重新生成的肉构成的,正在计划着第三帝国的伟大复兴...

  • 7.0


    出演:Johan Earl 蒂姆·波考克 马丁·科平 Denai Gracie Sarah Mawbey Barry Quin Damian Sommerlad Oliver Trajkovski 伊戈尔·斯米利耶维奇 Byron J. Brochmann Alex Jewson Steve Maxwell Gudmund Helmsdal Nielsen James Shepherd 克雷格·沃克 

    导演:Johan Earl Adrian Powers 

    情节:  《禁地》三个英国士兵在醒来后发现自己困在无人区,而更为麻烦的是无人区为德国管辖地界,故事由此展开.

  • 3.0


    出演:Kacey Barnfield Stephen Rea Eliza Bennett 

    导演:Johannes Roberts 

    情节:  Syfy原创电视电影(RoadKill)描述一群朋友在爱尔兰乘坐娱乐车来到风景秀美的乡村旅行。他们不小心撞倒一个吉普赛老妇人。老妇人临死前用恶毒的咒语诅咒他们,招来一只巨大无比的食肉猛禽对这群年轻人发动攻击。眼看同伴一个接一个惨死,剩下的人能够逃出生天吗?

  • 7.0


    出演:瑞妮·布朗 凯特·肯尼 莎拉·梵·欧 劳拉·拉福莱特 安娜·希尔兹 米凯拉·霍尔姆斯 

    导演:Jon Russell Cring Tracy Nichole Cring 

    情节:  一位偏执昆虫学家为我们讲述匍匐爬行昆虫是如何吞噬袭击人类的。

  • 9.0


    出演:Gerald Foos Edward Sabol 盖伊·塔里斯 

    导演:Myles Kane Josh Koury 

    情节:  Journalism icon Gay Talese reports on Gerald Foos, the Colorado motel who allegedly secretly watched his guests with the aid of specially designed ceiling vents, peering down from an "observation platform" he built in the motel's attic.

  • 1.0


    出演:Pepa Aniorte Guillermo Campra Stany Coppet 

    导演:José Ramón Ayerra 

    情节:  西班牙举行了当时最为高规格的首脑议会,参会的全是当时欧洲的大国:法国、英国、葡萄牙和教皇本人等。  尽管这些国家打着和平会议的幌子,但是他们举办并参加会议的真正原因却是绑架西班牙国王,并用“挟天子以令诸侯”的手段,希望能从西班牙的版图上分得一杯羹。为了能确保这个目的的实现,并希望怪侠红鹰不在重要的时候出来捣乱,会议的核心人物桑迪拉纳夫人雇用了血腥的哥萨克人来追杀红鹰。  红鹰正面临着哥萨克的追杀,于此同时国王的生命和西班牙的国土都岌岌可危。面对着虎视眈眈的敌人,面对着受伤的亲人,红鹰会做出什么选择?

  • 9.0


    出演:Michael Justice 

    导演:Joe Leonard Jace Mclean 


  • 3.0


    出演:Sean Patrick Flanery Kristanna Loken Kona Carmack 

    导演:John Milton Branton 

    情节:  当一个犯罪猖獗的城市的市长和他的对手被暗杀,两名联邦调查局特工联手调查这起谋杀案,成为一个强大的犯罪阴谋的目标。

  • 9.0


    出演:乔治•苏尔索  Georg Sulzer 玛雅•劳特巴赫 Maya Lauterbach Samuel Jakob 

    导演:Joachim Masannek 

    情节:  四个狂爱卡丁车的孩子收到了神秘的邀请,要到古老的城堡中参赛,但条件是每个人之间不仅要相互信任,更要抛弃原有的骄傲、自我甚至争强好胜,

  • 6.0


    出演:克里斯蒂安娜·保罗 汉恩斯·詹尼可 杰尼斯·纽沃纳 

    导演:Hansjörg Thurn 

    情节:  On 21. September 2013, telecommunications satellite APV-1312 belonging to French media group CanalDouble crashes into the Brandenburg Gate, cutting a trail of destruction as far as the Reichstag. 56 delegates die. Thirteen minutes later, all around the world more and more satellites plummet to earth. Communications, as we have known them, are collapsing everywhere. West of Geneva. At the largest research laboratory in the world, with a budget of one billion dollars, an experiment has failed that is going to throw the whole world off its hinges. Scientists from 80 nations have simulated the Big Bang with the so-called 'God Machine', the world's greatest particle accelerator, and thereby created a Black Hole. Reaching Geneva turns into a tour de force for our heroes, through a country that like its neighbors is in a state of total emergency, but equally into a time of human encounters. A time, where courage overcomes the fear and human beings do not shut themselves off but take decisive action. A time, where the end is a beginning, and where two brothers become soul mates again. A time, where weakness turns into strength and individuals are unified into a single nation. A time, where despair turns into hope, and loneliness into the love of a lifetime. A time, where one look says more than a thousand words, and even the smallest individuals become giants. Europe's darkest hour turns into a time of patriotic heroes. Heroes just like you and me...  - Written by Dreamtool Entertainment

  • 7.0


    出演:伊莎贝拉·弗尔曼 维吉妮娅·马德森 柯蒂·斯密特-麦菲 伊万·罗斯 Pat Janowski 

    导演:Michael James Johnson 

    情节:  一个男孩要开始学着面对父亲缺席的人生。

  • 1.0


    出演:克里斯蒂娜·布隆多 扬·科奈特 达尼埃莱·利奥蒂 伊莲娜·蒙塔拉 

    导演:Joaquín Llamas 

    情节:  一个成功的,有吸引力,聪明和优质的广告公司经理渴望在生活里拥有稳定的感情,于是决定向女友求婚。但是女友拒绝了他的求婚,在他的生活需要改变时,一个新的年轻女子进入他的生活。

  • 8.0


    出演:Scott Cordes Annie Tedesco Caroline Vinciguerra Dan Nichols David Fritts 

    导演:Alec Joler Ethan Shaftel 

    情节:  在一次意外中,主人公Daniel失去了他的家人,但他却获得一种非凡的能力:可以使时间停止的能力

  • 1.0


    出演:Anders Agensø Peter Bjerg 

    导演:Ernst Johansen Lasse Nielsen 

    情节:  You Are Not Alone (Danish: Du er ikke alene) (1978) is a Danish coming-of-age film written by Lasse Nielsen and Bent Petersen, directed by Lasse Nielsen and Ernst Johansen and produced by Steen Herdel.  Set in a Danish all-boys boarding school where one of the boys, Bo (Anders Agensø) develops a special relationship with the headmaster's young son Kim (Peter Bjerg). In the beginning of the film the headmaster is trying to get funding for a new gym for the school. The boarding school is likely a Christian one, as they have school prayer and the teachers keep referring to good Christian morals. This is a film not just about Bo, Kim, and their growing relationship, it is a true coming-of-age story. The filmmakers capture perfectly budding sexuality and inter-personal relationships, including the young women who work in the cafeteria & a nasty gang of older teens. In another plot line, a troubled student is expelled for displaying pornographic posters, and some of the students decide to protest this by walking-out of classes, the boy is eventually allowed to return to school so that he may graduate. At the year-end graduation ceremony, the boys present to the entire school & their families, a short film they have made all by themselves, based on the commandment "Love thy neighbor". It also serves as the euphoric climax & ending to this film.  你不孤独(丹麦语: Du er ikke alene) ( 1978 )这部丹麦未来派电影是由Lasse Nielsen和Bent Petersen编剧,由Lasse Nielsen 导演,由Steen Herdel担任制作人  故事设在丹麦的所有男生寄宿学校,其中一名男孩,Bo (Anders Agens&oslash)与校长的儿子Kim (Peter Bjerg)培养出一种特殊的感情。在电影的一开始校长正试图为建立一个新的体操学校而筹集资金。这可能是一个基督教的学校,因为他们学校的老师为保持良好的基督教道德而每天作祈祷。这个电影讲述的不仅仅是柏,金,和他们日益增长的关系,它还是一个真正的未来的时代的故事。这部电影完美的捕捉了青少年的性萌发期和人际关系发展期,还描述了年轻妇女谁在食堂和一群肮脏的大龄青年。在另一项故事线,一个陷入困境的学生因为展示色情海报而被开除,还有一些学生步行出的班级而发起抗议游行,男孩最终获准返回学校,以便他能毕业。在今年年底毕业典礼,男孩代表整个学校和他们的家人发言,一部短片,他们已经尽一切本身的基础上,诫命“爱你的邻居” 。还以欣快高潮来结束这部影片。

  • 7.0


    出演:Alexandra Neldel 

    导演:Hansjörg Thurn 

    情节:  布商之女玛丽因家境殷实而遭到本城城主的陷害,父亲被杀,自己受到凌辱和鞭刑后被逐出康斯坦丁城。玛丽发誓要回来报仇血恨,为此她改名换姓为汉娜。流亡途中被一群妓女所收留。为了雪恨,她只能被迫使用上帝赐予女性最天然的武器。

  • 1.0


    出演:伊丽莎白·霍尔姆 布兰登·费尔 Brendan Fehr 

    导演:John Stimpson 

    情节:  【主  演】Elisabeth Röhm ... Priscilla Hall  Laura Breckenridge ... Wendy Walton  Brendan Fehr ... Adam Hughes  Jerrika Hinton ... Tressa  Laura Spencer ... Caroline  Mark Joy ... Charlie  Mark DeAngelis ... Carriage Driver  Erin Brown ... Theatre patron  Hunter Brumfield ... Theatre Employee  Walid Chaya ... Cute Guy 1  Robert Levy ... Theater patron / ticket buyer  Liz Lukens ... Christmas tree shopper  Kathryn Squires ... Theatre patron  Lorna Yarberry ... Christmas Tree Shopper  An aspiring designer impulsively kisses a man she meets in a lift, only to discover he is her boss’s boyfriend. She is given the task of decorating his house for a lavish Christmas party, but begins to fall in love with him – while he does not remember their previous encounter.

  • 6.0


    出演:Jan Sosniok 

    导演:Hansjörg Thurn 

    情节:  萨沙接获德国外部通知,未婚妻茱莉亚在潜水时遇溺身亡。正当萨沙悲痛欲绝之际,赫然在电视看到茱莉亚出现!一批伊拉克恐怖份子胁持数名欧洲人质,他认出其中一人就是茱莉亚,于是要求德国政府出手营救,但遭外交部一口拒绝。在无计可施之下,他唯有独力追查真相,他发现女友的身份疑点重重。再深入研究,发觉事件牵涉德国非法售卖核武技术给伊拉克,为了茱莉亚,他决定只身前往伊拉克,深入虎穴。

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