• 电影杀手女教师

    出演:凯蒂·霍尔姆斯 詹姆斯·戴尔 卡兰·马尔韦 

    导演:Karen Leigh Hopkins 

    情节:  梅多斯小姐(凯蒂·霍姆斯饰)是个温柔而规规矩矩的普通小学教师,其完美的仪态和漂亮的印花连衣裙下却隐藏着一个不为人知的秘密——在没有教学任务或打理她的花园之外,她竟作为一个持枪维持治安的私刑独行侠。可是,在与小镇警长(詹姆斯·巴奇·戴尔饰)步入浪漫之后,她开始纠结......

  • 电影拉马努金

    出演:Abhinay Vaddi 苏哈西尼 Kevin McGowan Bhama Abbas Michael Lieber Sarath Babu Radha Ravi Madan Bob Richard Walsh Y.G. Mahendran Manobala Satish Kumar Thalaivasal Vijay Mani Bharathi 

    导演:Gnana Rajasekaran 

    情节:  'Ramanujan' is a historical biopic set in early 20th century British India and England, and revolves around the life and times of the mathematical prodigy, Srinivasa Ramanujan. Directed by the award-winning filmmaker Gnana Rajasekaran and with an international cast and crew, 'Ramanujan' is a cross-border venture. Considered one of the most romantic stories in the history of mathematics, Ramanujan, a college dropout from a poor family in South India, made extraordinary mathematical discoveries in isolation. He wrote a strange letter filled with theorems and formulas to Prof. Hardy of Trinity College, Cambridge, who immediately identified his genius and invited him to England to conduct further research. 'Ramanujan' chronicles the genius' journey across continents and cultures in search of recognition.

  • 6.0


    出演:Nikita Wokurka 尼基塔·沃克卡 Henny Reents Barnaby Metschurat 巴拿比·麦楚拉特 

    导演:Michael Karen 麦克尔·凯伦 

    情节:  菲利克斯(Nikita Wokurka 饰)和哥哥查理(巴纳比·麦楚拉特 Barnaby Metschurat 饰)虽然并没有在一起生活太长时间,但是兄弟两人之间的情谊却非常的深厚。自从六年前查理被养父母接走,菲利克斯就一直思念着哥哥,某日,利用一台破旧的发动机,菲利克斯制作出了一辆非常时髦的汽车,给其取名为查理2号。  在误打误撞之中,菲利克斯给查理2号安装上了一款神奇的软件,这款软件令查理2号产生了人工智能,有了自己的思维。这款软件的开发者是名叫安娜(Henny Reents 饰)的科学家,查理2号的存在吸引了她的注意,与此同时,安娜邪恶而又贪婪的叔叔亦想将这款软件占为己有,来开发战斗用机器人。

  • 6.0


    出演:罗伦·荷莉 莎诺·伊丽莎白 

    导演:Jay Kanzler 

    情节:  芬是个棒球高手,他的爸爸妈妈离婚了,芬和妈妈搬离原来的城市并转了学,但每个学校都有个欺凌弱小的孩子,芬就经常被新学校里的同学卢克嫉妒棒球天分而受到欺负。一次被卢克强行拿走手机后,芬悄悄尾随卢克,发现一只被同类霸凌的狗狗,感到同病相怜的芬要求妈妈养狗,遭到妈妈严厉拒绝。芬半夜私自从卢克家中救出了受伤的狗狗,卢克却从窗子边盯着呢……芬给狗狗起名为马歇尔,在给马歇尔洗澡的时候被妈妈发现了……人和狗狗之间总有着一种奇妙的缘分,它们让人内心柔软的时刻,奇迹也可能就这样发生……

  • 2.0


    出演:Natalia Rybicka Pawel Tomaszewski Karolina Gorczyca Jan Wieczorkowski Jakub Wesolowski 

    导演:Grzegorz Kuczeriszka 

    情节:  Four friends come to an old, abandoned factory in Lower Silesia, where their friend went missing a year ago. While trying to unravel the mystery of his disappearance, they discover the terrifying experiments conducted in the factory.

  • 7.0


    出演:罗曼娜·波琳热 萨穆埃尔·弗洛勒 伊兹丁·巴乔维奇 

    导演:Iglika Triffonova 

    情节:  Two ambitious lawyers face each other in the trial of Milorad Krstic, a Bosnian commander on trial for war crimes.

  • 1.0


    出演:Hircano Soares Liv Leman Brandorf Arien Takiar Runi Lewerissa Sara Masoudi Moowgliie Duissara 达尔·萨利姆 Tine Rangan Thiesgaard 拉斯马斯·伯格 Andreas Bo Pedersen 扎特科·巴瑞克 Torben Zeller Martin Brygmann 迪特·汉森 奥勒·波伊森 亚当·布里克斯 Niels Ellegaard 帕特里夏·舒曼 Torben Brinck 

    导演:Tilde Harkamp 

    情节:  The 13-year-old Iqbal is a charming, imaginative and fun boy, which, according to his father, is not enough if one is to succeed in the world. But when Iqbal, his little brother Tariq (11 years) and their friend Sille, accidentally blow up their school, his father is the slightest of his problems. The two crooks, Easelman and The Swine, want to get hold of the randomly home brewed explosive and blow up Tivoli to build the biggest parking facility in Scandinavia. To blackmail the kids for the recipe the two crooks kidnap the adorable little brother Dindua (6 years). The hunt to free Dindua and save Tivoli starts - and this requires cooperation, courage and a lot of imaginative ideas, which Iqbal is an expert in delivering.

  • 7.0


    出演:Wrya Ahmed Dana Ahmes Kamaran Raoof Rozhin Sharifi 

    导演:Halkawt Mustafa 

    情节:  Two Kurdish little people in Iraq risk their lives to fulfill their dreams and that is to meet football hero Cristiano Ronaldo.

  • 9.0


    出演:Katie Wallack Dana Salah Maxie Solters 

    导演:Kamell Allaway 

    情节:  Three women struggle to survive in the Alaskan wilderness after a mysterious event has left them homeless. Along the way, they encounter other survivors who are out to help or hurt them, as well as a dangerous supernatural presence.

  • 10.0


    出演:埃里克·罗伯茨 贝弗利·米切尔 汤姆·格林 布莱恩·克劳斯 

    导演:Ethan Black Kamran Delan 


  • 8.0


    出演:马努·贝内特 斯蒂文·吉拉维斯 霍莉布里斯利 Jared Robinsen 

    导演:Karl Zwicky 

    情节:  Sinbad, armed with rumors of ancient gold, finds himself sneaking into the desert camp of the evil sorcerer Al-Jibar. Hidden among the many relics is an ivory scroll case containing the logs of the pirate Captain Minos, which will lead Sinbad to the golden head of the Colossus of Rhodes.

  • HD中字


    出演:Allan Tuppurainen 萨伊亚·伦托宁 艾伦·凯伦 

    导演:Pekka Lehtosaari 

    情节:  芬兰出品的动画片,黑暗龙骑士进攻魔法国,国王将魔法之心交给你,你要保护它,否则邪恶的势力将笼罩世界。精彩的塔防游戏,玩法与以往不同,建筑高塔堆叠武器石料抵御敌人的进攻。

  • 8.0



    导演:Michael Karen 

    情节:  When the driver manages to crash the car on the road in the middle of nowhere the four-man-passenger-team (well, 1 girl and 3 guys, actually) have no other choice than to walk through the dark woods to the nearest hostel. Combine this scenario with zombies, a hockey-mask wearing giant and an annoying doll who demands popcorn, and you'll have "H3: Halloween Horror Hostel".

  • 6.0


    出演:Darine Hamze Rodrigue Sleiman Zeinab Khadra Hussein Mokadem Mirna Moukarzel Ali Sammoury 

    导演:Assad Fouladkar 

    情节:  Four tragicomic interconnected stories about how devoted Muslim men and women are trying to manage their love life and desires without breaking any religious rules.

  • 4.0


    出演:Charlotte Anne Bongaerts 科恩·德·格雷夫 Bart Hollanders Emma Kristin 马泰欧.席梦尼 卡琳娜·丝穆德 Robrecht Vanden Thoren 

    导演:Lukas Bossuyt 

    情节:  What would you do if you could change the past?

  • 8.0


    出演:Valentin Novopolskij Gabija Siurbytė Markas Eimontas 

    导演:Ernestas Jankauskas 

    情节:  尤尔加和托马斯满怀期待,开车去孤儿院见准备收养的6岁小姑娘。到了那里,他们却发现闹了个乌龙:迎接他们的是一个 12岁的男孩萨沙。孤儿院院长要夫妇俩要么和萨沙在一起待一天,要么永远失去领养女孩的机会。没有征得丈夫托马斯的同意,尤尔加选择了前者。这一天对尤尔加变得异常艰难——这个小男孩萨沙不仅说脏话、偷东西,还抽烟。托马斯还拒绝跟尤尔加说话。渐渐地,萨沙似乎也知道自己不会被收养了。尤尔加答应带他去游乐园玩。当这一天即将结束时,故事里的三个主人公似乎都对于什么是“一家人”有了新的理解。

  • 7.0


    出演:Taran Killam Brooklyn Decker David Krumholtz 

    导演:Zackary Adler 

    情节:  当贾斯丁相处了五年的女友在公开场合向他提出分手后,这令他既尴尬又心碎。他试图去帮助别人,但是有些误入歧途的朋友却把他引向了陌生的在线约会世界。

  • 4.0


    出演:Courtney Daniels 

    导演:M.J. Anderson Haik Katsikian 

    情节:  Tracy and his rescue dog Charger have to foil the plans of an Evil Businessman who wants to knock over their beach restaurant in order to build his golf course. With help from his brother, Tracy tries to meet the bills, manage the kitchen (where Charger helps cook!) and still find time to fall in love with the beautiful dancer, Bridget. Through a comedy of errors and mishaps, the humans find they themselves can be rescued by their very own rescue animals.

  • 4.0


    出演:利普丽·索博 Lev Gorn 苏珊·萨兰登 马克·门查卡 

    导演:Kevin Kaufman 

    情节:  When 10-year old Olivia's Mom goes on a business trip for the weekend, she leaves Olivia home alone with her 17-year-old brother Miles in charge. The first night, Olivia falls asleep on the couch, and wakes up, not realizing how late it is. She walks her dog Charlie without Miles knowing, and witnesses a young woman being kidnapped on the empty New York City streets. Olivia runs home and tells Miles, but he doesn't believe her. The next morning, she explains what happened to local cops, and they don't believe her either! Only a cynical female detective named Dottie (played by Academy Award winner Susan Sarandon) listens to Olivia, but she too is skeptical. Undaunted, Olivia bravely launches her own investigation, putting herself into perilous situations. Her can-do spirit ignites one extraordinary adventure after another. Can she outwit the bad guys and convince her brother and Dottie of the truth in time to save the day?

  • 9.0


    出演:詹姆斯·肯恩 洛根·米勒 凯尔·吉克瑞斯特 劳拉·伊内斯 艾德文·霍德吉 安妮·达德克 Bailey Noble 丽丽·莱因哈特 明迪·斯特林 尼克·多达尼 富田谭玲 迪恩·卡梅伦 William Charles Mitchell Billy Khoury 泰德·金 

    导演:Kasra Farahani 

    情节:  两高中生恶作剧,潜入一退伍老人房中,安放了一些监控设备及控制房间照明、门窗、音响等的设备。接下来遥控这些设备,给老人造成屋中有鬼等现象,以查看老人反映。而老人的各种反常的行为更是让他们感到事情的异常……

  • 2.0



    导演:Zackary Adler 

    情节:  Simon Cotton as Ronnie Kray and Kevin Leslie as Reggie Kray , picks up the story of the infamous Firm as the sanity of the two brothers bring uncertainties to the there business plans . now with their empire in place, the brothers must now fight to keep hold of both as the obsession of one police officer becomes undeceived by the dangerous state of mind for Reggie and Ronnie respectively.

  • 5.0


    出演:Danielle Brooks Diane Ladd James McCaffrey Eden Brolin Chelsea Lopez 克里斯蒂娜·鲁纳 

    导演:Katie Cokinos 

    情节:  Instead of chasing boys on the beach with her friends, recent college grad Dora finds herself caring for her reclusive Great Aunt in snowy upstate New York. When the imaginative girl discovers her aunt's hidden romantic past, Dora dreams that their revelation will pull Aunt Vera and herself from their mutual depressions.

  • 2.0


    出演:Sundeep Kishan Regina Cassandra Sri 

    导演:Lokesh Kanagaraj 

    情节:  A City based thriller that travels on the Hyperlink plot connecting the four youngsters from the different walks of lives. Maanagaram will focalize upon Chennai city as one of the major characters in this film, where the backdrops would indeed become a prominent ingredient of this tale.

  • 8.0


    出演:瓦莱丽·涅豪斯 米基·哈特 Heiner Radau Bernd Herzsprung 玛丽拉·阿伦斯 丹妮斯·维里厄 曼弗雷德·马克 妮可拉·兰森 阿瑞妮·苏默 

    导演:Karl Kases 

    情节:  亚历山大(米基·哈特 Mickey Hardt 饰)的父亲经营着一家香水公司,亚历山大拥有与生俱来的灵敏嗅觉,对香味非常的敏感,因此在事业上给与了父亲许多的帮助。一次偶然中,亚历山大邂逅了名为托尼(瓦莱丽·涅豪斯 Valerie Niehaus 饰)的美丽单亲妈妈,并且震惊的发现托尼的儿子雅诺士拥有着异于常人的嗅觉。  亚历山大想要培养雅诺士,帮助他成为一名调香师,但是托尼却拒绝了他。然而亚历山大并没有放弃,雅诺士自己也很愿意涉足香水这一行业。随着时间的推移,托尼发现自己渐渐爱上了亚历山大,而亚历山大和雅诺士共同研制出来的爱情香水也诞生了。

  • 6.0


    出演:汉娜·霍德森 安德烈·罗佑 罗茜·佩雷兹 荷砦尔古德曼 Coati Mundi 兰内特·瓦雷 大卫·休里斯 凯莉·麦克唐纳 Jordan Clarke Jack Thompson Jake Ritzema 玛丽亚·格拉齐亚·库奇诺塔 Ernesto Mahieux 乔瓦尼·埃斯波西托 蒋雯丽 尤勇智 

    导演:吴宇森 埃米尔·库斯图里卡 斯派克·李 Kátia Lund 乔丹·斯科特 梅迪·夏夫 斯特法诺·维内鲁索 

    情节:  本片由由威尼斯电影节发起,并由联合国儿童基金会选定七位导演各自拍摄七部以儿童为主题的短片,旨在唤醒世人对儿童的关注和爱护。  《坦扎》梅迪·夏夫(Mehdi Charef)  非洲男孩坦扎的国家正陷入内战,他手执冰冷冷的枪战战兢兢度过每一天,他多么希望能回到安静的家乡和充满 阳光的课堂……  《蓝色吉卜赛》埃米尔·库斯图里卡(Emir Kusturica)  吉普赛男孩乌洛斯(Uros Milovanovic 饰)即将走出少管所,但是大墙外的自由世界却看不到幸福的希望……  《上帝保佑的美国孩子》斯派克·李(Spike Lee)  小女孩从父母那里感染了艾滋病,幼小的她该如何面对这一切?  《毕露和乔》卡迪亚·兰德(Kátia Lund)  毕露和乔是住在巴西贫民窟的两个好朋友,为了一双新球鞋,为了给家中多添一片瓦,他们拾废品换钱,永远保持乐观的精神……  《乔纳森》雷德利·斯科特(Ridley Scott)&乔丹·斯科特(Jordan Scott)  战地记者经历无数人间惨剧,回到欧洲后他备受折磨,恍惚间他回到了自己的童年……  《Ciro》斯蒂芬诺·维奈鲁索(Stefano Veneruso)  意大利那不勒斯,男孩光天化日之下偷盗抢劫,只为了……  《欢欢和小猫》吴宇森  欢欢是个家庭富裕娇生惯养的小女孩,小猫则是被人抛弃然后由捡破烂的爷爷好心抚养长大的可怜孩子。一场灾祸,一个洋娃娃,将两个孩子的生活连在一起……

  • 6.0


    出演:Vanessa L. Williams Gil Bellows 

    导演:Kari Skogland 

    情节:  This is basically a tale of one woman's (Vanessa Williams) rebellion against tradition and racism in the south. In a time when it is against the law to marry outside your race, Henriette (Williams), and Gerard (Bellows), fall in love and face trials of the law of the land of the day. They plan on moving to France where Gerard is from, where they can marry without any restrictions. Until Henriette's sister falls sick and they are forced to stay in the states. Henriette starts fighting with all her might for the rights of her people and her place in the church. I don't want to give away the ending so I will end this here.

  • 8.0

    电影爱战也梭吞 2

    出演:Petchtai Wongkamlao Janet Khiew Harin Suthamjarus 

    导演:Petchtai Wongkamlao 

    情节:  Rural love story continues in Yaem Yasothorn 2, the sequel to the hit comedy "Yaem Yasothon" directed by popular comedian turned director Mum Jokmok. The story continues after the marriage of Yaem and Joey when the couple has a beautiful daughter and Yaem becomes a strict father who guards his daughter from suitors.

  • 7.0


    出演:乌玛·瑟曼 明妮·德里弗 安东尼·爱德华兹 斯特芬妮·斯佐斯塔克 

    导演:Katherine Dieckmann 

    情节:  并不富裕的伊莱扎(乌玛•瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰)与丈夫以及两个年幼的孩子挤在曼哈顿的一间小小的公寓里。虽然伊莱扎一直都想成为一名专业的作家,但是无奈两个孩子年幼,而丈夫又要上班,所以她只能当起了全职妈妈,写作也只能在料理家务的间隙进行。这天是女儿卡拉拉六岁的生日, 伊莱扎一早便开始为生日会采购。可是谁能料到这样重要的一天竟然状况百出。当伊莱扎为了女儿的生日会四处奔波之际,她不禁为自己“无助”又“凄惨”的母亲生涯感到悲哀。可是当晚上看到女儿快乐的样子,而丈夫终于懂得体贴自己,伊莱扎终于感受到了作为一个母亲不一样的感受。

  • 7.0


    出演:索菲娅·莉莉丝 山姆·特拉梅尔 劳拉·威金斯 安德利娅·安德斯 琳达·拉文 Mackenzie Graham 杰西·C·博伊德 Jon Briddell 埃文·卡斯特罗 詹妮弗·瑞克尔 梅兰妮·蕾妮·米勒 

    导演:Katt Shea 

    情节:  索菲娅·莉莉丝([小丑回魂])将参演华纳打造的新片[南希·德鲁和隐藏的楼梯](Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase,暂译)。早在1939年华纳曾打造老版电影。影片故事讲述维多利亚时代,一对上了年纪的姐妹在房里遭遇奇怪事件,而她们更是被指控谋杀。而南希必须找到个中原因,以此还两姐妹清白。该片由艾伦·德杰尼勒斯、杰夫·克利曼制片,预计今年5月展开拍摄。

  • 4.0


    出演:Natalie Ramsey John Patrick White 约翰·福兰克林 

    导演:Kari Skogland 

    情节:  汉娜回到她的出生地,试图找到母亲当年弃她而去的原因。在当地医院里她发现了一名神秘的植物人艾萨克。她的出现让艾萨克奇迹苏醒,而她的身世之谜也逐渐浮出了水面……

  • 5.0


    出演:Michael Bergin Amy Weber Vernon Wells 

    导演:Cary Howe Tony Kandah 

    情节:  A warrior and a beautiful ex-convict are left to fight the galaxy's most fearsome commandos in an alien wasteland.

  • 3.0


    出演:汉克·阿扎利亚 詹妮安·加罗法洛 威廉姆·H·梅西 凯尔·米歇尔 保罗·雷宾斯 本·斯蒂勒 韦斯·斯塔迪 格雷戈·金尼尔 杰弗里·拉什 汤姆·威兹 

    导演:Kinka Usher 

    情节:  Champion城的保护者,超级英雄Amazing上尉被绑架了。7个蹩脚“英雄”为拯救Champion城、救出Amazing上尉而同妄图控制整个城市的Casanova Frankenstein展开了斗争。

  • 5.0


    出演:丹努什 Aishwarya Lekshmi 詹姆斯·科兹莫 李·尼古拉斯·哈里斯 Joju George 阿图尔·夏尔马 杰森· 莱恩斯 Sonia Goswami Ozzy Chetin Masaya Mimura 马诺伊·阿南德 马汀·麦格 Sammy John Heaney Antonio Zavatteri 卡莱亚拉桑 

    导演:Karthik Subbaraj 

    情节:  一名聪明的乐天派黑帮成员受雇帮助一名海外犯罪头目击垮对手,却未料到会陷入两难的道德困境。

  • 8.0


    出演:Mark Dacascos Jaimz Woolvett Kylie Travis 

    导演:Tibor Takács 


  • 5.0


    出演:Lee Remick Marlee Matlin Michael O'Keefe 

    导演:Karen Arthur 

    情节:  Marg Duffield (Lee Remick) is the Maine wife of Al (Joseph Sommer) whose daughter Peg (Marlee Matlin) is deaf. Peg's husband is killed in a car accident on the way to visit the Maine house, and the Duffield's take in Peg's six year old daughter, Lisa, while Peg recovers. Since Lisa is a speaking child, Marg thinks of her the way she wanted Peg to be, and seeks guardian custody.  Remick's role is secondary to Matlin's, though she is presented as a tragic figure, particularly as Al refuses to help her plan to gain Lisa. Peg's deafness is said to be from a childhood case of spinal meningitis, and the teleplay by Louisa Burns-Bisogno, with story by Louisa and Tom Bisogno, reduces Remick to a textbook mother who is self-hating from guilt and therefore cannot love her own daughter. In a memorable scene, Peg angrily signs her exit to Marg, since Marg has refused to learn sign language, though Peg has learned to speak for her mother.  The treatment uses the Tennesee Williams play, The Glass Menagerie, for therapy, to help Peg overcome her grief and also Marg `lose her unicorn horn' and embrace her daughter. Whilst Peg choosing to act in this play may seem an odd choice for someone grieving, what is more noticable is that Matlin is far too more glamourous to be believable as Laura. The Bisogno's include Michael O'Keefe as Dan, Peg's deceased husband's best friend and director of Actors Theatre for the Deaf, to offer Peg a new romantic interest, and thankfully she rebukes his protestations of love. Although his opinion may be influenced by his `crush', Dan tells Peg that being different is better than being normal, since the normal ones are as `common as weeds'. This philosophy reads as rather Nietzschean, on the level of artists not being restricted to the common moral code.  Director Karen Arthur either has those signing also speaking or those signing being translated for the audience, though in one scene the sound of lapping waves drowns out the dialogue between Dan and Peg. She also gives Matlin some good moments, one being her scream of horror when she hears the news of the death of her husband, and another when she chases Remick down a flight of steps, hitting her.

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