• 电影红发

    出演:Charlotte Barbier-Krauss 

    导演:Julien Duvivier 

    情节:  Julien Duvivier最好的作品之一也是他认为自己所有默片中最喜欢的一部。  Summary  Bullied by his matriarchal mother, abused by his siblings, ignored by his father, Poil de Carotte's childhood is as miserable as it could be.  An illegitimate child, he is the main reason for the enmity which exists between his parents, who continue to live together just to keep up appearances. In the end, Poil de Carotte's suffering becomes more than he can bear...  Review  Drawing heavily on the poignant novel by Jules Renard on which it is based, Poil de carotte is a modest yet appealing film which has stood the test of time mainly because of the quality of its acting performances and its inherent humanity. It is more memorable than Julien Duvivier's earlier silent version of 1925, also named Poil de Carotte.  The part of Poil de Carotte was played by 11 year old Robert Lynen, who was alleged to have been discovered whilst walking down the Champs-Elysées in Paris. Lynen is totally captivating and the film made him an instant star, launching what looked like becoming a very promising film career – until he was shot dead whilst fighting against the Germans in 1944.  Harry Baur, a legendary stage and film actor (who also died during World War II, allegedly at the hands of the Gestapo), also turns in a typically fine performance.  The reconciliation between father and son at the end of the film provides its most enduring image, enough to melt the heart of all but the most stoical of spectators. 

  • 动漫功夫熊猫:命运之爪第一季

    出演:Laya DeLeon Hayes Makana Say 海莉·朱 贡纳·赛兹莫尔 史蒂夫·布卢姆 Cherise Boothe 艾米·希尔 米克·温格特 吴汉章 格蕾·德丽斯勒 詹姆士·谢 克丽丝·梅斯 杰夫·贝内特 JB·布兰科 Christopher Swindle Piotr Michael Mitch Watson 

    导演:Charlie Adler Dan Forgione 

    情节:  动画剧情紧接《功夫熊猫3》电影,阿宝也作为师傅收下了四个徒弟。 来到生父所在的熊猫村定居后,阿宝收了4个天赋异禀的徒弟女孩(Nu Hai), 宝(Bao), 静(Jing)、饭桶(Fan Tong),他们分别化身青龙、灵龟、白虎和朱雀,对付新的反派金雕。 4个精力充沛的熊猫宝宝掉到一个山洞里,他们从传说中的“四星象”那里获得了气(chi),有了成为大侠的基础。当然这4个熊孩子需得到神龙大侠阿宝的指点才能成大器。 影片反派金雕是千年前的武侠宗师,他曾是青龙、灵龟、白虎和朱雀的师傅,但被黑暗气(chi)所诱惑堕入黑暗。“四星象”封印了自己和金雕,没想到千年后金雕跑出来找到秃鹰做肉身。如果金雕将“四星象”吸收,就会变成完全体,天下将毁于一旦。

  • 已完结


    出演:杰西卡·卡普肖 贾斯汀·钱伯斯 莎拉·德鲁 杰森·乔治 嘉科莫·吉安尼欧缇 马丁·亨德森 卡米拉·卢丁顿 凯文·麦克基德 小詹姆斯·皮肯斯 艾伦·旁派 卡特琳娜·斯柯松 钱德拉·威尔森 凯莉·麦克里里 杰西·威廉姆斯 阿比盖尔·斯宾赛 

    导演:黛比·艾伦 凯文·麦克基德 钱德拉·威尔森 盖瑞·麦克劳德 Cecilie A. Mosli 

    情节:  ABC已续订《实习医生格蕾》第十四季。

  • 已完结


    出演:海蒂·克拉格滕 伊森·普焦托 特里·迈古林 罗伯特·丁克勒 Isabella Leo Wyatt White Christian Dal Dosso Johnathan Phillp Martin Isis Moore Holly Gorski Johnathan Martin 

    导演:里德•索伦森 Behzad Mansoori-Dara Steve Evangelatos Rob Boutilier 

    情节:  全球最具知名度的狗狗,即将成为镁光灯焦点!现在就和这只喜欢开心跳舞、想飞上蓝天和充满梦想的比格犬,还有它最好的朋友糊涂塌客,以及《花生漫画》的其他伙伴一起展开新的冒险吧!

  • 3.0


    出演:Franc Bruneau Jean-Pierre Becker Matthew Bond 朱莉·德拉姆 

    导演:Julien Hallard 

    情节:  菲利普三十岁,发现自己已经开始脱发。这位晚熟的音乐家,觉得脱发是一件非同小可的灾难。皮肤科医生告诉他,惟有他的父亲能告诉他,还剩下多长时间会秃顶:似乎每个家庭的男人,秃顶的年龄都一样。菲利普于是回到故乡,想知道父亲彻底秃顶的年龄——也就是他自己的。

  • 10.0


    出演:乔纳森·本内特 Matthew James Dowden George Krissa Todd Matthews Andy Rukes Amy Goodmurphy Nathan Parrott 埃弗里特·安德烈 切尔西·霍布斯 

    导演:Ali Liebert 

    情节:  这部电影讲述了萨姆在假期前照看他的侄女和侄子,从他们英俊的邻居杰森那里获得帮助,并发现自己陷入了一场意想不到的浪漫爱情。  It follows Sam as he babysits his niece and nephew before the holidays and recruits help from their handsome neighbor Jason and finds himself in an unexpected romance.

  • 已完结


    出演:克里奇亚·巴约斯 Mara Junot 卡兰·索尼 玛丽·费伯 Alex Cazares 凯瑞·华格伦 妮可·拜尔 阿丽亚娜·格林布拉特 马克斯·迈特尔曼 JP Karliak Miss Benny 泽克·阿尔顿 凯文·迈克尔·理查德森 迪·布拉雷·贝克尔 Isabella Crovetti 

    导演:Christo Stamboliev Dan Forgione Pete Jacobs Matt Whitlock 

    情节:  成年的泰德·天普顿被诬陷参与公司犯罪,于是变回宝贝老板,与哥哥蒂姆一起生活,假扮成他的孩子

  • 已完结


    出演:帕翠西亚·希顿 尼尔·弗林 查利·麦克德莫特 爱登·舍尔 阿蒂库斯·沙弗尔 

    导演:Julie Anne Robinson 

    情节: 谁是我们这个时代的英雄?政坛名人?电影明星?体育明星?也许吧……可日常生活中的英雄呢?是辛辛苦苦养育我们的父母。在孝子们眼里,母亲才是最值得崇敬的「超级英雄」。  来瞧瞧我们的「超级英雄」Frankie Heck(Patricia Heaton扮演)。她有三重身份:贤妻,良母,二手车推销员。她有什么特别的地方?她住在美国中部,过着中产阶级的生活,岁数接近中年,她的生活里一切都带个「中」字。她有什么「超能力」?每天早上把丈夫Mike(Neil Flynn扮演)伺候得舒舒服服的,然后把三个孩子平平安安地送出家门!  Frankie Heck和Mike一辈子都住在小镇Jasper(印第安纳州)上,正好夹在两座工厂的中间--一座是糕点厂,一座是轮胎厂。Jasper的居民呼吸什么空气,得看当天刮什么风。也许你上午闻到的是甜甜的蛋糕味,下午就变成了刺鼻的橡胶味。  Mike是个言语不多,但是出言必惊人的男人,他在镇上的采石场担任经理。而Frankie在当地一家二手车行工作,业绩排名第三。不过,车行里也就只有三个销售员……她也许工作能力不足,当不了女强人,也不可能出人头地。可只要回到家里,她「大展拳脚」的时刻就来临了。  Frankie的大儿子Axel(Charlie McDermott扮演)喜欢做白日梦,喜欢枪炮与玫瑰乐队,喜欢一切反传统的东西;女儿Sue(Eden Sher扮演)做事总是毛手毛脚,虽然爱好广泛,但却一事无成;只有7岁的小儿子Brick(Atticus Shaffer扮演)除了自己的书包外再无其他朋友。  这是一部描述家庭关系的情景喜剧,没有跌宕起伏的剧情,也没有浮华的气氛。本剧用平实的故事告诉观众:家庭总是第一位的。不管你做什么,都应该团结家人、形成家庭合力。

  • 已完结


    出演:帕翠西亚·希顿 尼尔·弗林 查利·麦克德莫特 爱登·舍尔 阿蒂库斯·沙弗尔 

    导演:Julie Anne Robinson 

    情节:  谁是我们这个时代的英雄?政坛名人?电影明星?体育明星?也许吧……可日常生活中的英雄呢?是辛辛苦苦养育我们的父母。在孝子们眼里,母亲才是最值得崇敬的「超级英雄」。  来瞧瞧我们的「超级英雄」Frankie Heck(Patricia Heaton扮演)。她有三重身份:贤妻,良母,二手车推销员。她有什么特别的地方?她住在美国中部,过着中产阶级的生活,岁数接近中年,她的生活里一切都带个「中」字。她有什么「超能力」?每天早上把丈夫Mike(Neil Flynn扮演)伺候得舒舒服服的,然后把三个孩子平平安安地送出家门!  Frankie Heck和Mike一辈子都住在小镇Jasper(印第安纳州)上,正好夹在两座工厂的中间--一座是糕点厂,一座是轮胎厂。Jasper的居民呼吸什么空气,得看当天刮什么风。也许你上午闻到的是甜甜的蛋糕味,下午就变成了刺鼻的橡胶味。  Mike是个言语不多,但是出言必惊人的男人,他在镇上的采石场担任经理。而Frankie在当地一家二手车行工作,业绩排名第三。不过,车行里也就只有三个销售员……她也许工作能力不足,当不了女强人,也不可能出人头地。可只要回到家里,她「大展拳脚」的时刻就来临了。  Frankie的大儿子Axel(Charlie McDermott扮演)喜欢做白日梦,喜欢枪炮与玫瑰乐队,喜欢一切反传统的东西;女儿Sue(Eden Sher扮演)做事总是毛手毛脚,虽然爱好广泛,但却一事无成;只有7岁的小儿子Brick(Atticus Shaffer扮演)除了自己的书包外再无其他朋友。  这是一部描述家庭关系的情景喜剧,没有跌宕起伏的剧情,也没有浮华的气氛。本剧用平实的故事告诉观众:家庭总是第一位的。不管你做什么,都应该团结家人、形成家庭合力。

  • 2.0


    出演:李美琪 林志玲 

    导演:李美琪 Leslie Kee 

    情节:  集合了亚洲各地10位当红名模,由MaggieQ监制,包括台湾甜姐儿林志玲都入镜的“LoveAsia”DVD,于24日起全亚洲同步发行,“LoveAsia”由新加坡时尚摄影师LeslieKee掌镜,在度假胜地马来西亚兰卡威、吉隆坡等地拍摄,充满夏日风情。林志玲在当中展现琴艺、小秀舞蹈,以及与众名模们至PUB狂欢的幕后镜头。

  • 已完结


    出演:Kristen Holden-Ried Anna Silk Sarah Allen Ksenia Solo Zoie Palmer 

    导演:Robert Lieberman 

    情节:  妖女迷行 第二季

  • 10.0


    出演:Joyce Hyser Clayton Rohner Billy Jacoby William Zabka Toni Hudson Leigh McCloskey Sherilyn Fenn Deborah Goodrich Kenneth Tigar 

    导演:Lisa Gottlieb 

    情节:  泰莉(乔伊丝海瑟 饰),18岁,人见人爱,她是学校中最受欢迎的女孩子。一心想当新闻记者的泰莉,在一次新闻采访竞赛中,写了一篇“一个自认为男性运动员的女人”的报导,却惨遭评审退回。泰莉认为,一定是她的女性身份造成老师们的偏见,于是她决定剪短头发、换上男装、压低声音,以男生的身份进入一所男校就读!进入男校后,泰莉差点在更衣室与体育课上曝光,更糟的是,她爱上了英俊温文的男同学瑞克(克莱顿朗纳 饰)......泰莉要如何向瑞克表明自己的女儿身呢?

  • 3.0


    出演:Rose Abdoo Beverly D'Angelo 

    导演:Greg Glienna 

    情节:  理查德的生活看起来很美满,有一个可爱的未婚妻,一对无论做任何事都支持自己的父母,同时事业也是蒸蒸日上。直到某天,一直嫉妒他的兄弟告诉理查德其实他是被领养的。理查德随后雇佣侦探去寻找自己的生身父母,没想到寻亲之旅成了一场噩梦,生身父母地位卑贱,无权无势,这让理查德觉得有些难以接受……

  • 3.0


    出演:休·弗拉瑟 瑞斯·里奇 罗伯·贾维斯 

    导演:Jean Campbell Hogg Joshua Carver Adam Collier Deveril Joshua Dickinson Amy L. Feeley Jane Gull Toby Roberts 

    情节:  Eight tales of ghostly encounters through the decades, manifesting amid the ruins of a once grand English hotel.

  • 10.0


    出演:Vinay Virmani Rob Lowe Camilla Belle Anupam Kher Sakina Jaffrey Al Mukadam Pamela Sinha Noureen DeWulf Ludacris Akshay Kumar Russell Peters Aubrey Graham Daniel DeSanto Lee Rumohr Judah Katz 

    导演:Robert Lieberman 

    情节:  拉杰维尔(维奈·维尔马尼 Vinay Virmani 饰)出生在一个非常虔诚的锡克教家庭之中,但是和大部分小孩不一样,拉杰维尔性格非常的叛逆,他不愿意留长发包头巾,为了这些事情,他和父亲达维许(阿努潘·凯尔 Anupam Kher 饰)之间发生过无数次的争吵。  达维许希望拉杰维尔能够完成大学的学业,然后回到家里打理家业,可是拉杰维尔却对打曲棍球有着格外高昂的兴致。一天,在和伙伴们一起打球的时候,拉杰维尔遭到了对手对于他的家族的侮辱,愤怒的拉杰维尔决定组织一支曲棍球队,参加比赛以击败对方。拉杰维尔的这一决定当然遭到了父亲的强烈反对,他不仅禁止他再打曲棍球,还不允许他再和他的那些朋友们来往。

  • 8.0


    出演:Michael Bisping 

    导演:Kellie Madison 

    情节:  A woman who is kidnapped and forced to compete in elite underground fights and has to battle her way out to freedom.

  • 8.0


    出演:Jonny Lee Miller Andy Serkis Gary Lewis 

    导演:Gillies MacKinnon 

    情节:  A pilots pregnant wife is killed by a band of thugs who break into their home. The gang is caught and sent off to prison. Wanting to see that "justice" is done the pilot stages his own death and then gets himself arrested so he can hunt the killers in the prisons into which they have been sent.    To be honest the story is a bit clichéd with the plot taking some obvious paths once things are set in motion. Normally that would be a bad thing but here the film works largely thanks to a very good cast of mostly unknown actors. The stand out is Andy Serkis, best known for playing Gollum in the Lord of the Rings movies. Here he's the head of the nasty band and his vileness seems to drip off the screen. If you want to know why Peter Jackson chose him to play the tortured creature in the big budgeted epic look no further. Serkis isn't on screen much until the final portion of the film, but his evilness in the early part of the film hangs over everything like a dark cloud.    Definitely worth a look for those who want an undemanding thriller, and those who want to see what Andy Serkis is capable of when he isn't doing just a computer generated character. 6.5 out of 10.

  • 4.0


    出演:Kate Davies-Speak Peter Cosgrove Joe Street 罗威娜·本特利 

    导演:Charlie Steeds 

    情节:  在一个偏僻的山顶,有位神秘的陌生人从暴风雨中出现,向惠普利一家寻求庇护,而惠普利一家有著三个被妈妈严格管教的年轻人,以及失踪未果的神经质爸爸。这神秘的「陌生人」到底与惠普利一家和这间诡异的古堡有什麽关联?更可怕的是,某个夜晚,惠普利发现自己浸在血液中,束缚在床上无法动弹……。

  • 9.0


    出演:Kate Marie Davies Barrington De La Roche David Lenik Rowena Bentley Toby Wynn-Davies Peter Cosgrove Joe Street Dylan Curtis Sam Lane Jackson Wright Kate Llewellyn Adam J. Morgan Tim J. Henley Harrison Nash Jack Miller 

    导演:Charlie Steeds 

    情节:  In the British countryside, the Harver family head out on an idyllic summer camping trip where they can bury past tensions and enjoy some family bonding. But when their camp is sabotaged by an unseen intruder in the night, they head to the nearby creepy old farm desperate for help, where vengeful farmer Hunt Hansen and his hideously deformed son aren't farming animals... Caged and waiting for their limbs to be severed, cooked and eaten one at a time, the Harver family must overcome their differences and unite in order to escape alive!

  • 9.0



    导演:Charlie Minn 

    情节:  1990年的一天,美国名为拉斯•库鲁西斯(Las Cruses)的小镇遭遇了最为恐怖的噩梦。当地一家保龄球馆,店长的女儿麦莉西亚和好友斯特芬妮正在快乐的游戏,业已打烊的保龄球馆人影寥寥。就在此时,两个带着死亡气息的黑影闪进馆内,实施了毫无人性的抢劫,他们向馆内的7个人开枪射击,事后更防火企图毁尸灭迹。身负重伤的麦莉西亚拨通了911的电话,稍顷警察和消防人员赶到,救助了麦莉西亚和另外一名幸存者,其他5人则在惨案中身亡,最小年龄仅为5岁。在此之后的20年里,此案始终未告破,而一曾宁静和平的小镇,也久久为这段噩梦所困扰……

  • 8.0


    出演:Kee Ketelaar Sasha Mylanus Geza Weisz Peter Paul Muller 

    导演:Tim Oliehoek 

    情节:  妈妈去世,爸爸姐姐各怀心事,就在那个晚上,孤僻的9岁男孩男孩约翰斯交上了一个不寻常的“小”朋友:一个会魔法的小人——维普啦啦(Wiplala)。维普啦啦和他的魔法,将约翰斯和他的家人们带进了一场不寻常的冒险之旅。

  • 已完结


    出演:苏菲·王尔德 Luca Slade Aurélien Pallot 妮娅姆·麦柯马克 Sam Reuben George Greenland Marina McBain Dee Ahluwalia Elena Bielova Scott Burchell 琼·伊约拉 Aldous Ciokajlo Squire David Anthony 斯蒂芬·弗雷 劳伦·阿朱福 Amelia O'Loughlin Smilla Sean Coleman Agbor-ya Ojong Fio Brooks 

    导演:Dionne Edwards Charlie Manton 艾丽莎·麦克克莱兰 劳拉·司登利 

    情节:  16岁的米娅从饮食失调症中恢复过来回到家,重返高中生的混乱世界,却发现朋友们已经在没有她的情况下走进了青少年生活。伴随着不断变化的遗愿清单,三个最好的朋友和一段主要的新恋情,米娅一头扎进了约会、派对和初吻的世界,很快发现并非生活中的一切都能按照计划进行。

  • 已完结


    出演:伊森·普焦托 特里·迈古林 罗伯特·丁克勒 Christian Dal Dosso Holly Gorski 海蒂·克拉格滕 Isabella Leo Isis Moore Matthew Mucci 雅各布·索利 Wyatt White 塞恩·库伦 朱莉·勒米厄 David Berni 

    导演:Rob Boutilier Steve Evangelatos Behzad Mansoori-Dara 里德•索伦森 


  • 3.0


    出演:伊夫林·布洛初 艾瑞克·艾伯纳尼 约翰·雷森 Véronique Seghers 

    导演:Nathalie Teirlinck 

    情节:  伴遊女郎愛麗絲前男友車禍身亡,迫使她與拋棄多年的六歲兒子重逢,她用來保護自己的高牆也瞬間崩毀。不但難以維持自主的生活,長年壓抑的情緒也潰堤。儘管人人都渴望安全感,但有些人卻害怕與他人親密接觸,主角愛麗絲則在兩者間擺盪與掙扎;母子親密似乎天經地義,但假如你情緒上就是無法做到呢?如果沒有一起生活過,血緣關係是否有意義?愛能戰勝恐懼嗎?本片深刻描述兩個徬徨的靈魂如何掙扎著找到對方、進而找回自己。

  • 1.0



    导演:Kilian Lieb Max Rainer 

    情节:  本纪录片揭露一群黑客如何藏身宁静德国观光小镇的冷战碉堡,在网络世界最黑暗的角落助纣为虐。

  • 9.0


    出演:Cullet Eric Yovel Lekowski 纳西姆·斯艾哈迈德 佐伊·马奇尔 Bastien Trouvé 

    导演:Julien Hollande 

    情节:  一个急需现金的骗子与一名拥有大笔加密财富的女子一见如故。女子是骗子的梦想目标吗?还是骗子也有被骗的一天?

  • 10.0


    出演:Lunga Shabalala Duduzile Ngcobo Sparky Xulu Ray Neo Buso Motsoaledi Setumo 

    导演:Rolie Nikiwe 

    情节:  迫切希望三个儿子结婚的母亲承诺:谁第一个结婚,就把房子给谁。于是,一场结婚竞赛随即展开。

  • 已完结


    出演:约瑟芬·帕克 西蒙·西尔斯 Tammi Øst Olivia Joof Lewerissa 夏洛特·蒙克 Oscar Töringe 米凯尔·比克耶 Jesper Ole Feit Andersen Shahin Adamiat Sophie Jørgensen Andersen Charlotte Nowack Brandt Sami Darr Aria Farjadi Cecilie Frøkjær Mette Gregersen Kristoffer Helmuth Amina Wozniak Hj 

    导演:Amalie Næsby Fick 


  • 已完结


    出演:约翰·西姆 里奇·坎贝尔 赫柏·贝尔德索尔 Steve Broad 詹姆斯·科里根 David Cramer Darryl Dale 劳拉·埃尔芬斯通 尼克·哈里斯 Brad Morrison 克雷格·帕金森 

    导演:布莱恩·凯利 Billie Eltringham 

    情节:  Filming is underway on series four of critically acclaimed ITV1 detective drama, Grace, starring John Simm as Detective Superintendent Roy Grace and based on the best selling novels from globally renowned author, Peter James.  Set in Brighton, Grace also sees returning cast members Richie Campbell (Top Boy, Stephen) as DS Glenn Branson, Zoë Tapper (Liar) as Cleo Morey, Craig Parkinson (Line of Duty) as DS Norman Potting, Laura Elphinstone (Chernobyl) as DS Bella Moy, Brad Morrison (Dinosaur) as DC Nick Nicholl and Sam Hoare (The Capture) as ACC Cassian Pewe.  This series will also feature renowned TV and theatre actor, Robert Glenister (Sherwood, Hustle).  Commented John Simm:  “I’m so pleased to be back on set, filming series four of Grace. Four of Peter James’ Roy Grace novels are being adapted for this series and Grace fans will be pleased to know the stories are as dark as ever with lots of twists and turns.”  Commissioned by ITV’s Head of Drama, Polly Hill, and Drama Commissioner, Huw Kennair Jones, the new series comprises four feature length films (4 x 120 mins) based on Peter James’s novels. Huw Kennair Jones will oversee production from ITV’s perspective.  Viewing figures for series three have so far averaged over 5.6m per episode, an increase on series two, with the first episode consolidating at 6.7m.  Commented Huw Kennair Jones:  “We're thrilled to be making another series of Grace. John and the team continue to bring Peter's brilliant characters and stories to life in such an exciting way. It's also great to be working with Tall Story and Vaudeville Productions again as we head back to Brighton for four brand new cases.”  Executive Producer Patrick Schweitzer said:  “I’m delighted we are getting to adapt another four of Peter’s wonderful books for ITV and it’s great to have the cast and crew back together filming in Brighton.”  Author Peter James said:  “As a writer, the chance to have such a phenomenal and collaborative cast and crew to bring my novels to life continues to be a dream come true. Audiences have so generously embraced the series with such enthusiasm and I cannot wait for Roy Grace fans, old and new, to see these four new episodes.”  Grace is a co-production between Tall Story Pictures, part of ITV Studios, and Vaudeville Productions. Executive producers are Patrick Schweitzer for Tall Story Pictures, and Andrew O'Connor and Paul Sandler for Vaudeville Productions, Kiaran Murray-Smith and Peter James. International distribution is handled by ITV Studios.  Writers for this series are Ed Whitmore for episode one, Ben Court and Caroline Ip for episode two, Tony Marchant for episode three and Jess Williams for episode four.  Brian Kelly will direct episode one, Billie Eltringham directs episode two and Kiaran Murray-Smith is also the series producer.  The first film in the new series is called Dead Man’s Time. A vicious robbery at a secluded Brighton home, draws Grace and Branson into a puzzling enquiry when thousands of pounds worth of beautiful antiques are stolen from the house. As Grace digs deeper into this mysterious crime, he unearths a web of ancient grudges - a web which leads him down a dark, murderous trail through the world of Brighton antiques, in a race against the clock, to untangle who is at the heart of this robbery, and bring Gavin Daly the answers he has been desperately chasing for many years.  In episode two, Want You Dead, Grace and Branson investigate a case where nothing is truly as it first appears. When an unidentified victim is found dead in curious circumstances, the post mortem reveals more questions than it does answers. As Grace works to identify the body, hoping this might provide some crucial clue as to the killer’s motive, he soon has another death on his hands when a second victim shows up in central Brighton, discovered in similarly bizarre circumstances.  You Are Dead is episode three in which Grace and Branson are thrown into what is possibly their most disturbing and high-profile case yet, when an unsettling discovery of skeletal remains is unearthed by workmen digging up a path in central Brighton. Meanwhile, across the city that same morning, a victim is snatched in broad daylight. With no witnesses and no sign of who took her, Grace starts to suspect whether the victim’s fiancé is lying to the police.  The final episode in the series is Love You Dead. When a known Brighton burglar is found dead in his car, in gruesome circumstances, his wife claims that he had turned over a new leaf, but all the evidence points to the fact the victim may still have been up to his old tricks and was breaking and entering on the night he was killed. As Grace and the team work to hone in on the circumstances leading to the victim’s death, Roy receives a call from a US police contact about a crime abroad which bears the hallmarks of a mafia hit. The police are keen to trace a woman they believe to be from Brighton, who could be in danger. As Roy scours the city to help find her, it becomes apparent he isn’t the only one looking for this mysterious woman.

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